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Dedication : Motivational thoughts

I wanna introduce you all to this very simple concept. 
It's a very simple concept. If you want it, you gotta go get it. It's time to stay focused. It's time to decide f*ck clubs, f*ck parties and f*ck trying to fit in and socialize, rub elbows with everybody, so people can stop calling you weird. Why are you so antisocial? Because I'm trying to get it. Why are you staying on the basketball court so much? Because I'm trying to get why are you out there practicing in the hot sun when Nobody else's out there? Because I'm trying to get it. Why are you not clubbing, Like every time I text you and invite you to go do something fun and cool, you're always studying?  Because I'm trying to get it. The more weird you are is a reflection of how committed you are to focusing on your sh*t.  Molding and shaping and developing your ideas and your crab so that when it's time for you to make your rounds, you Gonna Fly. You still got work to do.

Stay on that basketball court, stay on that football, f*ck all the homies texting and calling,  and trying to make you feel bad about being so focused. It's grind season homie. It's not about today. It's about the future. You do the work now, and all of this shit that you could ever want to do for your family your kids your loved ones, it's all gonna be on a whole other Stratosphere. This suffering this sacrifice you're making is an indicator of progress. It's an indicator of obsession. It's an indication of progress towards our dreams. Dreams require sacrifices. You're not entitled to your dream. You have to fucking bleed for your fucking dream. The price you will pay for not making your dream come true, is far greater than the one that you will pay to make it come true. If you can't stick to something for 5 f*cking days, you deserve to have a shitty life. 

You deserve to get your ass kicked. You deserve to be miserable. We're talking about five fucking days. We're not talking about 50 years. We're talking about the five years. It probably takes to build something with while we're talking about the five months. They can take for you to lose a hundred pounds. We're not talking about five months. It could take for you to loose 100 pounds. We are talking about 5 f*cking days and you can't even stick to it for that. So what the fuck? Do You think you deserve. You Deserve exactly what you get and that's true. That's the things your friends won't tell you, when you're bitching and moaning about how your life sucks on Friday night, drinking a fucking brewski with your boys. That's just your mom will tell you, when you're sitting in your mom's basement and playing fucking video games, when you should be reading or improving or working out or fucking doing something. 

It doesn't matter how you feel. It doesn't matter how frustrated or angry, depressed or upset you are. All that matters is that you do, what needs to be done on a daily basis, over and over and over again, and if you do that shit and it gets done, it's a relevant how you feel and I can tell you this, do that shit for long enough. You're gonna feel a lot fucking better about your life than you do right now. 


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