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We should know how to handle. Not only how to handle success how to handle the failures. Particularly you are in the management environment. If I want the young people to understand how to manage the failure, because any task you do. You have to come across problem. Problem should not become the captain of the individual or a project chief.  You should become the captain of the problems and defeat the problem and succeed. Learning, Learning gives creativity. Creativity leads to thinking. Thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great. History has proven history has proven that, Those who dare to imagine the Immpossible! are the ones who break all the human limitations.  In every field of human endeavor. Whether science medicine sports arts and technology the names of the people who Imagine The Impossible or engraved in our history. By breaking the limits of the imagination by breaking their limits of their imaginary. They changed the world. You take

10 things you can control that will make a huge difference in your life.

                There are many things that can make a huge difference in your life. Some of these things can change everything for you on their own. If you are committed to work on them all. You will become one powerful human being. If you are committed to change to improve you will change,  you will improve here are seven things that you can control that will make a massive difference in your life. If you decide and commit to them. No. 1   = Make Peace With Past, So It Doesnt Spoil Your Present.   No. 2  = Your thoughts and beliefs.  No. 3  = Being kind to others.  No. 4 =  What Others Think of You Is None of Your Business.  No. 5  = Your efforts. No. 6  =   Your pursuit of knowledge. No. 7   = Your gratitude for what you do have.  No. 8 =  Time Heals Everything, Give Time, Some time. No. 9 =   H ow you treat other. No. 10  =  Who you surround yourself with?  Now let me explain how these things can make a difference in your life...... 1 = Make Peace With Past, So It Doesn't Spoil

Study hard - Motivation for Students

How much time do you spend every day? Debating with yourself whether you should go and study or procrastinate a little longer. Well, let me give you some advice. Sometimes you have to ignore what you're feeling and just go through the motions. You might feel like watching TV. You might feel like doing something you might not feel like doing something. And instead of not doing it just go ahead and go through the motions.                Get it done.       Get out there and do what you're supposed to do.  It's the problem most students have they negotiate with procrastination. And at first it's difficult to overcome, but the more you do it the more you make yourself studying even when you don't feel like it, the easier it will become.           Get up and go and study.         We all know the students that complain about their grades. They make excuses why they couldn't achieve higher. But because they're making excuses. They blame everyone else but themselves