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10 things you can control that will make a huge difference in your life.

          There are many things that can make a huge difference in your life. Some of these things can change everything for you on their own. If you are committed to work on them all. You will become one powerful human being. If you are committed to change to improve you will change,  you will improve here are seven things that you can control that will make a massive difference in your life. If you decide and commit to them.

No. 1 = Make Peace With Past, So It Doesnt Spoil Your Present.  
No. 2 = Your thoughts and beliefs. 
No. 3 = Being kind to others. 
No. 4 What Others Think of You Is None of Your Business. 
No. 5 = Your efforts.
No. 6  Your pursuit of knowledge.
No. 7 = Your gratitude for what you do have. 
No. 8 = Time Heals Everything, Give Time, Some time.
No. 9 =  How you treat other.
No. 10 =  Who you surround yourself with? 

Now let me explain how these things can make a difference in your life......

1 = Make Peace With Past, So It Doesn't Spoil Your Present. 
 You have to make all things clear and don't guilt for your actions.

2 = Your thoughts and beliefs.
 How you see the world is how you live in the world. If you believe people are mostly good you will see mostly good people if you think about all the negative things around and the bad people in the world. That is what you will attract the meaning you give to everything in your life becomes your life. If you believe in miracles, you might attract one If you don't you have no hope if you believe your Best Is yet to Come your best is on its way. It does not take a lot of common sense to understand, that positive people live better and happier lives than negative people. People who believe in abundance and expect abundance enjoy more of it, than those who speak of lack. So sharpen your mind, practice positive affirmations work on yourself every day. You are in control of your mind and beliefs and shifting this, Can change everything!  Choose to see the Magic in the mess, choose to see the power you developed from your pain. Choose to see the strength you gained from your struggles. They did make you stronger. 

3 = Being kind to others.
 Kindness and compassion shouldn't require effort. It's just part of your real nature and when you give the universe always returns with interest. When you are kind to others. 
More people are kind to you if you choose to see negativity, negativity will show up in your life. Kindness, compassion........ and giving to others, not only lifts them, it lifts you too. There aren't many better feelings than knowing that you made a difference in the life of another human. You don't know who is hurting one simple, kind interaction can change someone's life. It could save someone's life. You never know what your Words mean to another or when they might need it, So be kind, and always remind those close to you that they matter. Choose kindness over your need to be right kind people are always the most loved You want more love, give more love. You want better friends be a better friend. You want more kindness be a kind person. Regardless of what others do or don't do be kind and watch those around you change with you.

=  What Others Think of You Is None of Your Business. 

5 = Your effort. 
 You can't mistake this one. Your effort equals your results. The law of attraction is only going to work if you do. This does not mean it needs to be a struggle. Effort can be effort-less. It can and should be doing something you love. It needs not be a struggle, but you must put in the work if you want the results. You are always in control of the amount of effort you put in, the amount and quality of the work you put in, to your business and yourself, so you are always in control of your results.

6 = The pursuit of knowledge.
 You are always in control of your own self development and growth. This world is changing so fast, and if you are not willing to grow, you will fall behind. As humans we must be growing to live our fullest life. Choose topics that like you up. Expand your mind and soul with books, audios, seminars, anything that makes you feel better and become better. Commit to self grow. Anything that makes you feel better. Commit to be a curious seeker of what makes you light up. What makes you stronger, wiser, more powerful. And when you grow, help someone else up to your level. 

7 = Being grateful for what you do have.
 We speak about gratitude a lot. The best teachers on Earth speak about gratitude a lot. Why? There's no better way to improve your day or your life, then perspective and gratitude for what you do have. What can you appreciate today? What is great in your life right now? 

 8 = Time Heals Everything, Give Time, Some time.

 9 = Your presence.
 Most people live almost exclusively in their heads. Stuck in an endless cycle of worry and anxiety about the future, Stuck in an endless cycle of regret about the past...... meaningless mind transactions of no value. Be one of the few who live in this moment. Be one of the few who notice their family and friends. Who noticed the miracle of existence on this earth! Live more in the present, enjoy the little things, leave your devices behind more often, get out of your head, and into the magic of life, right now.

 10 = Who you surround yourself with? 
 You always choose who you surround yourself with and how much time you give all the people in your life. You choose if people drain your energy or Give you energy. Based on the quality and compatibility of people you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about you people that get you, that allowed you to be YOU.


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