Never give up on yourself.......
It's just so sad to see....... that moment when someone gives up on themselves...... that moment when someone gives up on the life they deserve... . Because they listened to other people who did the same...... Listen to me. This is important. Don't you dare give up on yourself. Other people might give up on you. But don't you ever give up on yourself. Other people might stop believing in you, but don't you ever stop believing in yourself.....
People will let you down, you can guarantee that but that is not important...... What Is important is that you don't let yourself down. Have inner Integrity. If you tell yourself..... You will do it. If you try and fail.... Try again, learn a lesson. Learn and grow until you are ready to conquer whatever it is in your life that needs conquering..... May be your mother walked out and may be your father don't support you. Maybe your friends are never there for you. I don't know your situation.
But I do know this, the only way you can lose in life is if you lose faith in yourself! Don't give up on yourself. Don't lose Faith, trust that you can turn any situation around. You can. How can yau be Better? How can you learn more and apply that learning so you can earn more. It's all about you, do not give up on you. Believe in you. Back yourself... in everything you do in life. You don't have a lot of friends.
Well, how can you be a better friend because that is what will attract a better friend whatever you want. You have to be that whatever you want you can have but you Have to be intentional about it and you cannot give up believing you deserve it you do. Whatever you want, you can have but you'll never get it. If you give up on yourself, don't you dare give up on yourself. You have to take ownership of the space you occupy here on Earth.
It's no one else's responsibility to make you happy. It's yours. It's not their responsibility to believe in you. It's yours. It's not their responsibility to keep your dreams going. It's yours. Stand up. Take That responsibility and make your life work for you.